
2022年は何といっても直営ホテル「The Villa & Barrel Lounge」のオープンが、WCBとしての大きな挑戦に。コロナ禍がようやく落ち着きをみせ、本拠地の用宗に足を運んでくれるファンの方や、静岡県内外のイベントで出会った方々など、皆さまとの出会いがよりグッと増えたことは何よりも嬉しい出来事でした。いただいた沢山の応援のお言葉は、いつも私たちの原動力になっています。皆さまに改めて御礼申し上げます。
Hop Dudeたちは西へ参ります。
\ WCB直営店『大阪・心斎橋店』
2023年春オープン予定‼‼️‼️️ /
2023 - Moving Forward
Through brews, food, lodging and design, we were thrilled to be a part of your 2022!
West Coast will evolve yet again this year - on the exciting end, we have our sights set on opening a satellite shop (or two?) in the Kansai area, the first of which we plan to launch in April in the Shinsaibashi area of Osaka. Our aim is to bring WCB closer to our fans in the Western metro, and through design/branding and our unique experience to contribute to and further promote the vibrant craft beer scene there. We also have several collaborations planned with foreign friends that we are stoked to get to work on. Now that international travel is a thing again (thank goodness) we are excited to get down to exchange and shop talk in person, and bring ideas back to share with you through beer and design. On the slightly less exciting end, 2023 is going to be the year we can finally (fingers crossed) >really focus< on quality. For beer, this means sourcing better ingredients (particularly hops). On the hospitality side this means an increased focus on staff education and improved customer service. The pandemic may never be officially over, but now that we are less focused on survival we can allocate resources to do what we have always wanted to be doing - giving our customers a better experience.
While 2023 is just another number - through what we do we hope it will be a year of bringing everyone closer together. Stay healthy, prosperous, and don't forget to get your fill of genuine emotional experiences - we'll be around to help 🍻🥳
West Coast Brewing / WEST COAST Co., Ltd.
The Villa & Barrel Lounge
12 - twelve
12 to go
12 / Shimizu
West Coast Design