Winter Star
Dunkel / 5.0% ABV
この一年、めまぐるしくビール造りに勤しんだHop Dudeたちによる、ささやかなパーティー。澄んだ冬の空気と静かに闇を纏う用宗海岸は、夜空の星々たちが、より一層と輝きを増すクリスマスウィークに。
Roasted malt bitterness with layered hints of brown sugar, caramel and apple? Oh yes.
Winter Star is the final new brew to join the WCB fam for 2022, the perfect addition to your year-end stay-warm-in-the-kotatsu drinking collection, and our first take on a style we all love to drink but don't get to brew nearly enough (after all it has been 3.5 years).