The Trial DDH: Motueka
DDH Hazy IPA / 6.5% ABV
w/ Motueka
禁断の酵母の使用&NDHという行為により、ハイホップ評議会によって判決を受けてしまった、とあるHop Dude。しかし、裁きとは真逆に各方面から評価を受け、勇気ある行動と称えられる。そんな彼がまたしても……?
衝撃の事件には続きがある。美味しいビールの為なら禁忌も犯す、ハードコアなHop Dudeの話。
※禁断の酵母…London Ale Ⅲ
※NDH…No Dry Hop
※DDH…Double Dry Hop
Conspire with his fellow Hop Dude Apprentices? Oh did he ever😉
The Accused may have taken the fall, but in doing so kickstarted a revolution. Hailed by his fellow hop magistrates as the second coming of the Oracle, the purported mastermind behind The Trial went from notoriety to stardom in a single mash. All the while our Hop Heroes were toiling, knee deep in New Zealand hops waving their wands and perfecting their next lupulin masterpiece. The Trial: DDH Motueka adds a completely new weapon to the Alchemist’s arsenal - with a single hop treasure trove veritable boatload of Motueka in the dry hop to make up for everything the NDH left us craving. They say hazies come in all shapes and sizes, but perhaps none quite as pillowy soft and silky smooth as this bad boy. Come for the easy-drinking 6.5% and stay for the magical hits of grape and citrus zest.