The Collective: Tiki
Sour DIPA / 8.0% ABV
w/ Raw Wheat , Flaked Oats, Milk Sugar, Pineapple, Guava, Mango & Lime Purees, Toasted Coconut Flakes
ダークサイドに対抗すべく、未来のアルケミストたちが結集するチーム"The Collective"は、評議会とは一線を画しながらも各地で成果を上げ、徐々にその名声を高めていた。
希望を胸に、Tikiの新たな要素が組み合わさり生まれた、The Collectiveの最新作が登場。
果汁ほとばしるような、パイナップルやマンゴーのフレッシュ&ジューシー感が炸裂! 口に含むたび、ふんわりと、そしてしっかりと香り続けるココナッツがアクセント。グァバやライムの酸っぱさの相乗効果で南国バランス100点満点。
個性的な仲間を加え、ますますその影響力を増すThe Collective。この勢いは、まだとどまることを知らない。
Council loyalists whisper of the movement gaining ground. From his high perch as the Master of the High Hop Council, the White Wizard has dispatched search parties into the underground in search of the heretics at the heart of “The Collective”, to foil their plans and put an end to their vile experiments once and for all.
It was never going to be enough. The Collective has added new members and is making waves with their wild adjunct antics and tart hop designs. Their latest creation, borne from a missive received in secret from far away lands, wields an impressive swathe of tropical fruit along with The Collective’s trademark milk sugar and raw grain base. The result is a balanced hit of hop and acidity, with enough bitterness to satiate your beer craving, and just the right sweetness to leave you wanting another sip. Tiki will transport you directly to warmer climates and drop an umbrella in that glass of yours - let your imagination roll.