The Collective: The Berry Ultimatum
Sour DIPA / 8.0% ABV
w/Blueberry, Blackberry, Marionberry and Milk Sugar. Dry Hopped with Strata, Mosaic & Mosaic CRYO
若きHop Dudeたちの期待を一身に受け、あらゆる重圧をするりと乗りこなす孤高の代弁者"The Collective”。地球を照らす太陽が彼らを追いかけるかのように、いつでもどこにいても光を纏い、その明るさは世界に彩りを与える。
そんな中、旅の途で突如現れた"The Berry Ultimatum”。BlueberryとBlackberryにMarionberryと3種の果実爆弾を身に付け、あてもなく孤独な逃避行を続けていた。彼の才能が風雲児としての片鱗を示したことからThe Collectiveのスパイとして、これから手を組むこととなる。
個々による能力の集合体"The Collective”は、時を重ねながらより大きく、さらに深く勢力を増していく。タブーとされた手法を武器に、運命を辿るように広がり続ける彼らの活躍こそ、未来のAlchemistたちが紡ぐ、ダークサイドへの脅威の攻撃法。
The underground movement is in peril. A raid on several Collective cityside safehouses has left the band of hop activists in disarray. The henchmen of the Nemesis, disguised as officers of the High Hop Council, acted swift and without mercy. While some Collective members/operatives were captured in the action, several did manage to escape. From their new base of ops they are back to brewing again - Wizarding up the goodies to prove that no matter what the Council tries they will not be stopped. The Berry Ultimatum rolls it back to what the Collective does best: loads and loads of berry purées. Blueberry, Blackberry and Marionberry, dry hopped with Strata and Mosaic? Yes please. This concoction comes with all the berry feels, adding a kind of juicy/marshmallow feel with hints of wine and pink grapefruit citrus on the backend for a unique sensory experience.