The Collective: Blood Orange
Sour DIPA / 8.0% ABV
w/Raw And Malted Wheat, Milk Sugar, Blood Orange, Ao-Mikan, Cardamon , Juniper Cashmere , Motueka & Cascade
絶大な実力を兼ねそろえた、未来のアルケミスト達の集団“The Collective”
The Collective第4作目に参戦するのは、酸いも甘いも知り尽くした 救世主“Blood Orange”。彼は機転を利かせ、急遽BMTとの裏取引を実行する。ジュワっと濃厚なBlood Orangeのピューレに合わせるために、浜松・三ヶ日産の青みかんを入手させ、ピール(皮)をふんだんに巻き取った。
世の中へ爪痕を残すように個々のセンスを爆発させ、若きHop Dudeを沸かせてきた自負が彼らにはあるのだ。敵も味方も見惚れる、変幻自在の攻撃で一撃必殺。
The boys are back. Version 4 of our Sour DIPA series is a magnificent mix of tangerines and blood orange purée, with secret herbal additions (code named) Cardamom and Juniper. The proportions (carefully calculated by the Collective’s elite mathematicians) were then thrown into insane disarray with massive amounts of milk sugar and hops, because once again BALANCE. The result is a perfectly triangulated combination of fruit, residual sweetness and hop bitterness that makes for a mega-satisfying IPA drinking experience.