The Arch - Nemesis
Imperial Stout aged in ex-bourbon casks / 11.0% ABV
w/Coffee beans & Cacao nibs
Hop Dude一族の宿敵、The Nemesis。
その圧倒的なダークサイドの力でHop Dude達を脅かしてきたが、アルケミストの究極魔法「スーパーサンライズ」によって退けられた。しかしそれは始まりに過ぎなかった。倒されたかのように見えたネメシスは、バーボン樽にて戦いの傷を癒し熟成。さらに強力なダークサイドの力を手にして生まれ変わった。
Heaven HillとWild Turkeyのバーボン樽で5ヶ月ほど熟成させた“Nemesis”。
地元静岡の『Conche』さんのカカオニブと、『Hug Coffee』さんのコーヒー豆、さらに樽からの心地よい焦げと甘みが加わって大変スムーズで飲みやすい仕上がりになりました。くれぐれも飲み過ぎにはご注意ください😎
After his defeat at the hands of the Alchemist and his “Super Sunrise”, The Nemesis went into hiding to hone his dark arts. With his evolution now complete he bears a new name: The Arch-Nemesis. The destroyer will stop at nothing to rid the world of The Alchemist and his band of hop-happy disciples.
WCBs first ever BA offering was aged for 5 months in multiple varieties of ex-bourbon casks and blended pre-packaging for additional complexity. Infused with local insanely fresh roasted coffee beans and cacao offerings from Hug Coffee and Conche, The Arch-Nemesis adds a nuanced and suppressed vanilla / caramel character, with a very light red fruitiness hidden carefully behind curtains of coffee and dark cocoa. At 11% and way too smooth for your own good, enjoy at your peril.