TDHSSR 2025 First Sunrise Edition

Triple Dry-Hopped Hazy Triple IPA / 9.0% ABV

w/Mosaic, Nelson Sauvin, El Dorado, El Dorado CGX, Strata, Strata CGX, Mosaic CRYO & Nelson Sauvin CGX

AlchemistのホップマジックにHop Dudeは骨抜き。平和と美味しいビール造りに余念のない彼は、今回もまた、新たな年を迎えるにふさわしい“あの呪文”を朝日に向かって唱える。

皆さまお待ちかね『TDHSSR』新年・巳年Ver. “Mosaic・Nelson Sauvin・El Dorado・ Starata”とたくさんのホップ品種を緻密に組み立て、念入りにしつこ~く、大好きな3度のドライホッピング!今回も年末年始を過ごすのには欠かせない濃厚Hazyの錬金が無事に完了した。


一年に一度、最初の夜明けはTDHSSRをプシュッ。Hop Dudeたちが企む2025年の重要ミッションは、用宗海岸の美しい初日の出からスタートダッシュ!まだまだ止まるどころか加速の一途、スーパーサンライズは別の次元へ進む。

As has become tradition here at Hop Dude HQ, the Alchemist has cooked up another massive hazy to assist in ringing in the New Year. And also as he tends to do, this version of TDHSSR is backloaded ONLY with hops of the IPA persuasion (Mosaic, El Dorado, Strata and Nelson). Ever wondered why we do this one, even though from our vantage point you can’t actually see the sunrise come off the water directly? Some of it is trying to steer the weather karma, hoping we can wish away any clouds in the morning sky on New Year’s Day—and some of it is because even though it isn’t quite how the illustrations portray, that Sunrise is still something to behold. A New Year is a reset for some, a positive omen or a potential emotional springboard for others—for the Hop Dude though it means we get back to intense tropical aromatics, big and bold mango and pineapple sensory, and enough of the good stuff to keep you warm and fuzzy while you wade through the chatter of fam and friends. Cheers from all of us at WCB to you and yours this holiday season, and to a healthy and fulfilling 2025.
