TDHSSR 2022 First Sunrise Edition
Triple Dry-Hopped Hazy Triple IPA / 9.0% ABV
w/Idaho7, Idaho7 Cryo, Citra Cryo, Mosaic Cryo & TRI2304CR
アルケミストのホップマジックにHop Dude達は骨抜き。
強烈ダンクな香りに包まれ、グレープフルーツやマンゴー、甘い果実を連想させるホップフレーバーが大爆発!!! 甘みを感じるフルボディに、ホップの青いほろ苦さやアルコールの余韻でたちまち酔いしれ、みんな大好きルプリンジュースの罠にハマる。
Admittedly the 2nd half of 2021 was a veritable maze of Hazy Triple IPAs at WCB. Did we really need one more? You bet we did. The Alchemist is super... supersititious (o.O and wasn't going to let you go without his annual celebratory elixir, this time loading it up with heaps of delicious CRYO HOPS as well as a small addition of CRYO POP blend for a huge lupulin plot twist. This iteration of TDHSSR is ->insanely<- dank on the nose, far beyond anything we have ever experienced in a Triple Hazy previously. Not lost in the dank sensory takeover are the SSR trademark pineapple/grapefruit/mikan hits, OJ-style fresh squeezed so you don't feel too out of place when you are sipping on this bad boy at 6:54AM on NYD. Here's to a safe and prosperous New Year's holiday, and to tons of new goodies in 2022!