Triple Dry-Hopped Hazy Triple IPA / 9.0% ABV
w/Idaho 7, Idaho 7 Cryo, Citra Cryo, Mosaic Cryo & TRI2304CR
Super Sunrise WCB 2nd Anniversary Edition!
アルケミストのホップマジックにHop dude達は骨抜き。
マンゴー&パイナップルの超トロピカルな香りに包まれ、オレンジやグレープフルーツを連想させる強烈な柑橘系ホップフレーバーが大爆発!!! ジューシーですっきり…かと思いきや、後口のほろ苦さやアルコールの余韻でたちまち酔いしれ、みんな大好きルプリンジュースの罠にハマる。
2nd anniversary =/= “2” anniversary beers. Small numbers also apparently do not mean lower ABV >.>. The Hop Dude closed his eyes and put both feet on the accelerator for this, the first of our THREE anniversary offerings. Indeedy. Things are really good in threes btw!
TDHSSR makes it’s glorious return with an upgrade to 100% CRYO HOPS in the dry hop. We’re essentially straddling every hand we can, as anniversaries call for upping the ante, big pots and late night victory struts. The lupulin hits come hot and heavy—but the Hop Dude is all about that balance, scientifically precisely exactly (did we mention scientifically?) adjusting hazy grain additions to reinforce and embellish all of that hop love. Flavor notes? CRYO only means massive tropical, pineapple and white grape aromas, silky sweet with juicy watermelon and strawberry flavors and a zesty grapefruit finish. And that’s how you do an anniversary hazy.