Starwatcher CRYO
West Coast IPA / 7.0% ABV
w/Mosaic CRYO, Simcoe CRYO & Citra CRYO
Yakima Chief HopsのCRYOホップ(Citra・Simcoe・Mosaic)をふんだんに使って完成させた、WCBのフラッグシップIPA「Starwatcher」の進化版が再び戻ってきた!
進化の歩みを止めないWest Coast。行き着く先は、冥王星の彼方まで……。
Ah, the Alchemist with his constant tweaks and adventures. In the search for any consistent defense against the Darkness no stone can be left unturned. Going Cryo only for this batch, the Alchemist consulted the High Hop Council in seeking out new Hop toys for testing. The results are a totally new take on our flagship Starwatcher - with a stellar clean tangerine and melon flavor and a super floral / orange blossom aroma. With only subtle recipe manipulations "Cryo only" brings a compelling and fascinating take on our regular Citra/Mosaic/Simcoe flavor combo that we hope you'll love as much as the original.