Sour Grrl
Kettle Sour / 7.0% ABV
曇りなき眩しい笑顔は用宗イチの太陽。3か国語を操るTrilingual (!!!)、誰とでもすぐに仲良くなれる天真爛漫な『Sour Grrl』。自らのルーツを活かしたビール造りに個性が光り、いつでも輝きを放つ彼女の周りは、幸せに満ちあふれている。
そんなSour Grrlが手掛けた過去作「Solo Samba」に次ぐ!WCBに、故郷・南米の風を吹かせまくる、日本では聞き慣れない?
ブラジルフルーツを使ったKettle Sourが登場。
With this insane never-before experienced difficult-to-comprehend June heat wave upon us (where did raining season go?), it was high time to add some tang to the catalogue. Marian cooked up a new kettle sour using graviola and cupuacu, fruits that are native of the Amazon region in South America. The result is a fairly dry beer with a light sour component, showcasing the flavors of the adjuncted fruits. Funky on the nose, with huge white wine notes and hints of green apple yogurt, citrus and orange peel. ABV is also well-hidden at 7.0%, for a light, fruity and most importantly refreshing beer experience.