Singularity: Peacharine
Peacharine Single Hop Hazy IPA / 7.0% ABV
今回は、最近WCBでもよく使われるようになった“Peacharine”。その名の通り、桃やネクタリンを彷彿とさせる特徴を持つNZの @freestylehops から仕入れたホップを採用!
寝る間も惜しみ、あらゆるビールを飲み続け、人生をかけてホップに向き合うHop Dude研究員。最近ではWCB5周年に向け、一生懸命に新たな取り組みの準備をしているウワサも……。
We finally made it, dudes.
The ever-elusive Peacharine dance. This hop has evaded us in previous vintages for volume, and so we’ve been fairly careful with how we use it. However as the Nemesis’ power grows, so does our team of Lab Hop Fiends’ needs for new toys. The crockpots and test tubes were filled with literally ONLY copious (glorious) amounts of this magnificent lupulin varietal, and the result is pretty much as expected - super tropical, peach / nectarine yumminess. AKA peach juice bomb for those playing at home 😛
Finished at .014 which is pretty much the sweet spot (puns) for WCB hazies in this style (dry ftw). Maybe Peacharine does play better as a tandem or trio tho? We are going to leave that up to you decide😈