Sidechain Series 03
American Pale Ale / 6.0% ABV
w/El Dorado CRYO, Moutere & Nectaron
「Hop Dudeたちを盛り上げるのが僕の役目」
毎回、期待を上回る作品を提供し続ける、敏腕プロデューサーが贈る“American Pale Ale”に特化したシリーズ第3弾。
Mega-drinkable 6.0% pale ales that feel like IPAs? Happens. As with all of our Sidechain (Villa recipe-inspired) pales, 03 uses Trident Salvo but this time with a twist as we dumped it directly into the uni-tanks to try and maximize the hop burst. NZ Hops Nectaron and Hop Revo Motuere + a DDH hit of Crosby El Dorado round out the DH, shining through the super light body with pineapple, lychee/lime and slight grassy/herbal notes. Salvo definitely assists with the bitterness, which is sharp and lingers well beyond the finish.