Santa's Little Helper
Winter Ale / 4.5% ABV
あまーいショコラのクリスマスケーキに"Santa's Little Helper "を添えて。今年1年を幸せに締めくくる、とっておきのクリスマスエールで乾杯しよう。
Hop Dudeの仲間たちよ、2021年も飲んで陽気に(シャン・シャン・シャン🔔) 。メリークリスマス!!
YES. Winter holiday bunker beer.
After much deliberation over the making and checking of lists, our Hop Santa is back..and right on time for the yearly festivities. Kinda. One thing lead to another and “Santa’s Little Helper” is being loaded on to the sleigh juuuuust as Santa hits the afterburners. We made it malty. We made it bitter. We doused it with some of the Hop Dude’s old school lupulin crushes, dialing in that sweet sweet winter hop hit. We added nutmeg also, because the Alchemist said winter beers require those frosty spicy notes? Holding it all together with a rounded full body and a decidedly caramel nutty finish to pay homage to...Xmas beers over the ages?
For all of those Japanese homes that don’t have fireplaces (98%), this one is for the space heaters and electric stove family gatherings - and a year of utter emotional exhaustion finally coming to a close. “Santa’s Little Helper” is our chest-pass assist to slam dunk ending for your emotional push through to bigger and brighter in 2021. Drink and be merry fellow Hop Dudes. Better days are ahead!