Mango Mint Sour / 4.5% ABV
『UNITED ARROWS BOTTLE SHOP』さんと共に手掛けた、暑い夏のために造ったといっても過言ではない、大好きなコラボレーションビールが満を持して復活。
大海原に帆を張り、風を操って進むヨットのように、絶妙なレシピ配分で生まれた、まるでモヒートのような個性派“Mango Mint Sour”。
時に厳しく、時に優しく、僕らを見守るかのようにすべてを包み込む海。Hop Dude船長は、日々頑張るあなたにリフレッシュビールをお届け中。この凪いだ海のように、心が落ち着くことを祈って……。
Japan is in the midst of its famed “hot summer” season, when going outside is essentially the same as hitting up a low-temp sauna (with all of your clothes on btw—Don’t get any ideas). Perspiration is all the rage these days🤷♂️ so we called on the Technician to recalibrate the cauldrons and help us take down the humidity “quick-hit Hop Dude-style”. Teaming up with the Hop Heroes from United Arrows, we present your tastebuds with an opportunity to quench that thirst and #refresh - a bold blend of lime and mango purées with a hint of mint b/c BALANCE and COMPLEXITY🤓 Aroma rocks a touch of mint and lime, with lime and mango flavors building throughout and mint being that magic gel doohickey to tie it all together. Bitterness is mild and the lower pH makes it pop - finishing tart, dry and drinkable. #refresh, hydrate, and stay safe Hop Dudes.