Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Nelson Sauvin, Motueka, Citra & Citra CRYO
WCB × JRA阪神競馬場
Special Collaboration!
盛大なファンファーレで沸き立つ観衆。ゲートから駆け出し、ゴールラインを目指す我らがHop Dudeジョッキー。誰もが多くの希望を託し、息を呑む緊迫の瞬間だ。すべての光を包み込んだコース上でAlchemistの錬金術が炸裂する。
疾走を極めゴールへと向かう同志たちとコンマ1秒を争う大接戦。馬券を手に熱のこもった声援の喉を癒すは、もう片方に持つRACING MAGIC。競走馬と共にグランプリを目指し続ける彼らの姿は、魔法にかかったかのごとく魅了され、もう目が離せない……!!
We had heard tales of diehard hazy drinking fans out West, but imagine them being horse racing junkies too?--OH YES. Our Full Hop Alchemist teamed up with JRA Hanshin Racecourse to brew a bold 8.5% ABV juice bomb, trifecta boxing Citra with NZ thiol-laden favorites Nelson & Motueka for maximum payouts. Bold out of the gate this pillowy elixir brings hits of overripe mango and melon, followed closely on the outside by strawberry candy and various other tropical delights. As they turn for home the race is on with dangerously masked ABV, and a balanced bitterness on the rail neck and neck, with pineapple and mango battling it out in a photo finish for the ages. Bring your form, your wits and your bankroll to Kansai in June--and witness RACING MAGIC in all its glory.