Push To Talk
West Coast Style Session IPA / 4.0% ABV
Hop Dude達もオンライン飲み会に夢中。離れていても人と人を繋げるのはいつもコレ。プシュっと口に運べば、そこはもうお気に入りのいつものビアバー!?柑橘や松のフレーバーにレモンの様なアロマ。IPAの苦さと軽やかな飲み口を併せ持つSession IPA。暖かくなってきたこれからの季節にピッタリです。この陽気とPush to Talkの誘惑にあなたは耐え切れますか?!
Hop Dude has been hitting the Zoom drinking train pretty hard lately- great fun but we all have that one Dude whose (darling) dog is going nuts in the background or whose TV is up way too loud. Harkening back to the days of voice chat and gaming, the Alchemist longs for an unmute button. Designed to have just enough flavor and a ton of crushablility, Push to Talk is super light on the body but ->unmutes<- a veritable rainforest of citrus notes on the nose, showcasing the boxes and boxes of Southern Hemisphere tropical gold (aka Vic Secret and #freestylehops Waimea) in the dry hop. Lemon carries over to the body with hints of pine and rosemary spice. Bitter enough for the IPA diehard, but incredibly (dangerously) quaffable. Money enough on those lazy #stayhome Spring days that even the Nemesis can’t resist.