Pineapple Party
Session Hazy IPA / 4.5% ABV
w/Pineapple. Dry Hopped with Luminosa, Idaho7 & Citra CRYO
Hop Dude研究員に夏休みなど無い。暑い季節に飲む最高のビールを追い求め、用宗海水浴場を横目にサマバケ返上で調査に明け暮れる日々……。
彼らの得意とするホップ学をベースに、さまざまなシリーズに取り組み続けた経験から前作「Peach Party」に次ぐ、リアル果汁とホップの相性を突きつめる第2弾が完成!
うだるような暑さを盛り上げるなら、と今回選んだフルーツは“パイナップル”で満場一致🍍数種類のピューレをセレクトしミックスして投入、さらにドライホップではLuminosaとIdaho7にCitra CRYOをチョイス。
What was supposed to be more of a massive pineapple bomb, full disclosure--didn't quite get there. But if you are a fan of the hazy persuasion, of tropical tones and the thick yet decidedly sessionable--this one is right up your alley. We did a minimal dry hop with an Oregon-grown Idaho 7 and Luminosa combo, and added a LOT of pineapple puree to get to what is at 4.5% a veritable juice bomb. Fresh af lighter abv hazies? Come get the goodies crew.