Oranges Oranges
Fruited Sour / 6.0% ABV
w/Blood Oranges
終わりの見えない雨降りの突破口は、Hop dudeたちの手によって開かれる。狂おしいほどの夏の暑さと、BMTが仕掛けたフルーティな罠で、あのネメシスさえもうっかり手を伸ばしちゃったとか、してないとか。
Anticipating a glorious exit from the endless downpour into the torrid sauna-esque rabbit hole of late June, the Hop Dude conspired with the BMT to bring you yet another tangy-fruity thirst quenching delight. Oranges Oranges is loaded with ...blood oranges! and a touch of hoppy goodness for a super easy drinking and decidedly tart start to your after work de-stress experience. Feeling the pressure from the Alchemists’ latest creations, even the Nemesis is trying to get in on this action...