New-er Kicks
Farmhouse Saison / 5.5% ABV
新しいスニーカーを履けば、新たなスタイルのビールも手掛けていく。挑戦しないでいることに耐えられない(?!) Hop Dudeが手掛けた、WCB初のFarmhouse Saisonが誕生!
WCBで働くHop Dudeたちの良き日常。
Obviously, the Finals were supposed to go 9 games and still be on when this beer was set for release (that or we -> I completely miscalculated the release date... can't get them all right, right?). New Kicks gets… “new-er”, this time w/o the fresh hop infusion but even better because TIMING. New-er Kicks arrives to give you something to sip on while you stare at a 10-day forecast of rain, 30C and 95% relative humidity. WCB saisons come few and far between (our 2nd go in 3 years) but believe me when I tell you that the Hop Dude, contrary to popular belief is an absolute ester-BEAST (that may or may not have been the runner-up name for this brew btw). New-er Kicks deals in peach and apple aromas, drives the lane pushing off with his forearm (no whistle) with an apple juice concentrate / lemon candy move before doing some crazy spicy / light peppery eurostep to the hoop. Whether our Hop Dude makes the shot matters not - he's looking mighty sexy with those kicks, and we've got just the beer to match.