Nature Boi
American IPA / 6.5% ABV
w/El Dorado, Citra, Motueka & Riwaka
美味しいビールのためになら己の犠牲はなんのその。天真爛漫な立ち振る舞いは、まさに“Nature Boi”。
Our Brewer Recipe Series rolls on, this go is a #clearbeer American IPA smooth one we lovingly call “Nature Boi” (well not really but at some point we were convinced all these beers had to have “Boi” added to them /shrug). Nature Boi is a decidedly different take on IPA than our normal West Coast editions, changing up the yeast (—>US-04) as well as adding local summer oranges for that extra touch of citrus complexity. Hop Dudes doused this batch with boxes of Citra, Motueka, Riwaka(rare wth) and El Dorado to deliver a WCB signature hop hit that shines through the medium body and delivers the balanced bitterness the Alchemist craves.