Mach Pils
Hoppy Pils / 5.5% ABV
w/Hallertau Blanc & Huell Melon
誇りをかけて、造る。ホップアカデミーの中でも、トップ1%のエリートHop Dudeのために用意された特別な醸造訓練。2人1組のチームに選ばれたのは“Hallertau Blanc”と“Huell Melon”。彼らこそ、誰もが目を見張るほど優秀なエリートタッグ。過酷な訓練を経て積み上げられた間違いないテクニックの数々は、先祖に歴代アルケミストの血を引く彼らだからこそ成せる業なのだ。
It’s all about the good tandems. Flying and going fast blah2 not super important right now (maybe later tho). It’s that Hallertau Blanc and Huell Melon you want leading the charge into enemy territory. Hop Dudes train hard for those dank hits of grapefruit and lemongrass, for pine sensory 10G inverted dives with ultra high carbonation to quench your dangerous desert-climate thirst objectives. Let’s not forget that its not just about the flavor rush, but wanting to come back for more. Make it out of one sip and find yourself flying high into the next. Lagers about to put the summer heat on hold and save the world, imo.