Hop-Rhythmic #1
Hazy IPA / 7.0% ABV
w/Luminosa, Mosaic & Riwaka
いつかの舞台を夢見て、コツコツと励むHop Dude。昨夜どれだけビールを飲んではしゃいでも、朝日を味方につけ、練習から一日は始まる。彼の飽くなき探究心によって、またしても新たな才能の蕾が花開くとき。
Hazy IPAに特化した新シリーズがスタート!
※幅広い植物の精油に含まれる天然の芳香成分。今回のバッチでは、フルーティーなアロマが爽やかに香るテルペン「Pineapple Express」を使用(リキッド製品)。
The rhythm is the most important part. There are no notes, there are no phrases - the rhythm keeps it all together. Hop Dude is working his metronome hard and staying in time - dialing up the creativity while grinding it out one step at a time. Hop Rhythmic is our new Hazy IPA series, featuring terpene hits we've only previously introduced in clear / West Coast variations. Mosaic, Luminosa and Riwaka are the chord progression while Pineapple Express provides a decidedly altered dominant flavor, a fascinating addition to what would normally be an insanely dank and tropical sensory expression.