Full Hop Alchemist v4 - Throwback Series
DDH Double IPA / 8.0% ABV
FHA v4 Revival.
ラフランスやマスクメロンに、ほのかなバナナにも似た甘い芳香。 口に馴染むように幸せを運ぶのは、桃・パイナップル・グレープフルーツのようなジューシーなフレーバー。甘美な香りに包まれながらも、〆はドライなフィニッシュに。
Bringing it back, yet again. This time FHA returns in all of its version 4 pineapple-y grapefruit-y goodness, with a custom cauldron-blowing yeast modification for more modern mouthfeels and drinking experiences to rival the original. V4 pays homage with hops but brings many of the dialed in techniques of later versions to the proverbial table for a infinitely more drinkable drink. Yes we said that. It might be the easiest drinking FHA yet - and that’s pretty crazy.