Full Hop Alchemist v39
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Moutere, Kohia Nelson, Comet, Comet CGX, Simcoe & Simcoe CRYO
あの日みんなと共に目に焼き付けたFirst Sunriseの美しい輝きを心に誓い、新しい年を迎えた今、進むべき最初の一歩。
自らの鍛錬として積み重ねてきた歴史は、いつからか独りでは決して成しえない光の賜物に。多くのHop Dudeたちの期待を一身に背負い、Full Hop Alchemistはこれからも魔術を磨き続ける。
You didn’t know? The Alchemist can literally read your mind (eye in the sky!?). He knew you wanted a ridonculous hit of melon and ripe mango in your goodies that only a Motuere/Kohia/Simcoe(?!)/Comet combo can provide (reading like an alien language at this point but srsly this one is *legit*). He is the maker of rules—and the first iteration of his FHA series for 2025 is an absolute banger. A Hazy a day keeps the Nemesis away—welcome to the year of the Snake and our first fruity housecall. Let’s get it folks!