Full Hop Alchemist v35
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Luminosa, Peacharine, Strata, Motueka Kief & Riwaka Kief
早くも燃えるような夏の気配を前にAlchemistは多忙を極める。多くの者から崇められる存在となった現在でも、己を律し打ち克つポテンシャルの高さはHop Dudeたちの希望の光。答えのない世界を照らす灯火こそHazyであり、錬金術師という使命を掲げながら、彼の鍛錬はまだまだ終わらない。
For most Hop Dudes, Thirty Five is just a number. Comes after Thirty Four, etc. Now that I think about it, 35 was probably the sweet spot for raid composition/numbers back in the day also because, you weren’t inviting the random Boomkins and Ele Shamans to steal your precious loots (save that T1 for the healers amirite). FHAv35 starts where 34 left off, using the same new strain of yeast, this time with additions of Indie Hops Luminosa/Strata, and a touch of Freestyle Peacharine and Motueka (we also added a bottle of Riwaka HopKief to the mix for good measure). You might (actually you probably will) get a huge tropical hit, you might also find some citrus / peach flavors in the mix as well (potentially from the yeast strain, but the jury is out yet). You might also find that for this go around the 8.5% shines through pretty brightly. I think it’s time I stop telling you what we think it tastes like and let you be the judge.