Full Hop Alchemist v33
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Rakau, Strata, Sabro CRYO & Sabro
心技体ともに上級なもの、それこそが誰しもが憧れるFull Hop Alchemist。彼は用宗でひとり、孤高の存在として技術の鍛錬を繰り返す。
Fruity and tropical with hits of mango and melon (and that Sabro coconut), v33 reps a decidedly solid score on the flav-o-meter (for those Hop Dudes keeping score at home). v33 sports a rare Freestyle Rakau + Sabro & Strata combo, this time adding a touch of Jumbo Flaked to the fun. The right haze man. Verdant yeast might be the one bringing out the bubblegum bits, we aren’t quite sure. For future iterations it might be time to play with some different strains or even pop back to A38 we shall see!