Full Hop Alchemist v30
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/El Dorado & Strata
New Art!術の先へ……。
終わりのない旅を突き進むバイタリティに賛同し、未だ多くのHop Dudeたちが追い続け捧げるリスペクト。頂上決戦への準備は万全……?!杖に集約させたホップの真価で新たなHazyが爆誕。
Our Hop Dudes and their iconic trendsetter / master-chef press on. With new hops and new combos come new flavors, textures, insights. These are profound discoveries which can only be unlocked by relentless curiosity and a passion for pushing brews to the next level. V30 rings in our latest subset of cloudy delights, laden and finely laced with Crosby and Indie offerings of Strata and El Dorado in both CGX and OG T90 formats for a blend unlike anything we have experienced previous. In this the peak of July heat, FHAv30 brings all the right kinds of sensory. Kiwi/Strawberry Capri-Sun, melon/cantaloupe & hints of peach. Pair it with a super silky mouthfeel and low key bitterness for a pristine balance—perhaps that which only our Alchemist can achieve.