Full Hop Alchemist v25
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/ Riwaka, Mosaic & CRYO POP
幾度となく驚きに打たれ、ビアギークの舌を唸らせ続ける巧みな錬金術。燃え盛るほどにアツい情熱を胸に宿し、勇ましく立ち向かう背中を追いながら、若きHop DudeたちはHazyなビールの夢を見る。
The FHA series hits magic number 25 (not to be confused with the magic number to break the Mariners playoff drought, which hasn’t been going down like it ought to). What happens when you mix loads of Riwaka with Mosaic? Leave it a surprise? Guessing dank and citrusy? Pineapple-y? All those feels and more, and we saved it for quarter-century mark commemorative fun. Super silky smooth is the FHA backbone, and we have lathered on and layered in the lupulin to create a biggie stone fruity juice bomb, but one that doesn’t press or push. Light / fruity yet hot on the backend, this one owes the goodness to Riwaka being stellar and Mosaic bringing the dankness full stop. With almost unlimited hop combo possibilities the Alchemist and his toying will press on - make sure to grab (odd-numbered!) 25 before its gone💪🏼