Full Hop Alchemist v13
Hazy Double IPA / 8.0% ABV
w/Enigma, Strata, Vic Secret & Simcoe
パイナップルやマンゴーのトロピカルフルーツ感。熟れた洋梨を口に含んだかのような、 こっくりとした優しい甘みに身をゆだねて。オレンジや甘夏に似た香りが鼻から抜け、後口は柑橘果皮のほろにがさが刺激的。
すべてを優しく包みこんでくれるかのような甘さと、 ちょっぴりの苦さが背中を押してくれる…。明日も一生懸命に働くあなたのための一杯です。
The Alchemist's 2021 Resolution: More Hops.
With deep state dark artifact debuts lingering on the horizon, there can be no rest for our Hop Heroes. The Alchemist is ringing in 2021 with his smoothest drinking concotion yet - a super tropical lupilin fest for the masses. Clocking in at 7.0% for extra smashability (and because we wanted to), the 13th installment in our rotating hop series is pretty much bound to be your favorite batch. The Hop Dude loaded this one up with boxes upon boxes of Enigma, Strata and Vic Secret in the dry hop, for flavors a la Orange Julius / apricot and peach Snapple (throwback!) with a huge tropical and citrus nose. London Ale III gives this batch a super creamy/smooth mouthfeel and the slightly lower ABV than earlier iterations require us to warn you that once you've had a sip, you might never turn back.