Freshly Squeezed
Juicy Double IPA / 8.0% ABV
w/Mosaic, Galaxy & Citra
決して表には出ないが、秘密裏に動き続けている科学者たち。幅広い学問分野を扱う“ホップ学” において、細分化された専門領域のスペシャリストとして多くの者が従事している…と、用宗界隈ではもっぱらの噂だ。
とあるHop Dude研究員。
Because this Boi is Juicy. Like “grab a grapefruit with both hands and overpower it” style Juicy. We also backloaded it with Hop Dude perennial hall of fame IPA favs the likes of Citra CRYO, Galaxy and Mosaic, because obviously more JUICE. Once you have managed to escape the tantalizing grasp of yellow Starburst, kiwi fruit and melon aromas… this elixir hits you soooo silky smooth and pillowy, with almost no hop burn (tank time be damned), grabs your taste buds with a guava tangerine rush and lets you go with a milk sugar-engineered finish to hold you warm in the night as you dream of yes, you probably guessed it, even more JUICE. Take a break from daydreaming about that weird tree boss you just can’t seem to get past and go level up your Juice quotient on some Freshly Squeezed - one of our best hazy creations to date.