Freestyle Sandbox Vol.3
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Freestyle Rakau, Freestyle Waimea & Freestyle Kohia Nelson
寒さも忘れ大興奮!待ちわびた南半球・ニュージーランドからの贈り物に、大熱狂のHop Dudeが浜辺へ繰り出す珍事件。シリーズ第3弾も過去作同様、砂浜実験場でのルールは一つ。お決まりは“Freestyle Hops”のホップのみを使うってコト。自由気ままで壮大に、自らの感性で組み合わせては試行錯誤。
どんな遊びもレシピに紐づくアイデアの原点。ビールに人生を捧げるHop Dudeたちは、いつでもどこでも、最後に行き着く先は、やっぱりホップなのだ。
We call it a Sandbox because we want to get creative. We also call it a Sandbox because what comes goes quickly and will never be seen again. CY2022 Freestyle has finally arrived (gotta work on that procurement time) and with it another year of delicious hop concoctions. Vol.3 was DH in two stages with @Freestylehops Rakau, Waimea and Kohia Nelson (in that order), pushing apricot / passionfruit into citrus with a touch of dankness. The aftertaste is particularly noteworthy with a fresh squeezed orange juiciness and a very light accent of bitterness to tie it all together. We are super happy with the 2022 goodies and while 2023 harvest is just around the corner, looking forward to bringing our fans more 2022 combos in the near future.