AA Mochimune
Verdant Hazy IPA / 7.0% ABV
w/Nelson Sauvin, Motueka, Cascade & Moutere
とうとう辿り着いたスタジアム。かつての野球少年Hop Dudeは夢の舞台へ到着。ようやく手に入れたプロへの一歩は、彼の人生におけるターニングポイント。でもまだまだ道の途中。決して満足はしない。
リラックス状態を保ち、バットとビールへの滾(たぎ)る情熱を握りしめ、ゆっくりとバッターボックスへと向かうHop Dude。遠く見つめる先には……。
If you dry hop it... they will come. Small media market Mochimune still doesn't have the required stadium seating to rep a AAA club, so it's sandlot style AA shenanigans once again. The Backyard Legend has been ballin' out but the team needs more help if they want to make it to the big time (54% isn't gonna cut it). But, back to the beer! AA Mochimune is a brilliant illustration of a hazy IPA, and as the beer that kind of threw out the proverbial ceremonial first pitch for WCB and Verdant yeast, we are soooo glad it's back. Where our Hop Dude tends to roll more melon / grape / super citrus, this one leans more to the watermelon / white peach / super ripe orange side, with a touch of tang and a thick and creamy mouthfeel that really showcases the yeast. The World Series might be a little boring matchup-wise, but that won't stop our Hop Dude from hitting the sandlot and swinging for DINGERS.