Deep Skaze
Hazy Pale Ale / 5.0% ABV
w/Nelson Sauvin, Nelson Sauvin CGX & Sabro
溺水注意?!狂ったほどに濁り、黄金色に輝く海面。用宗を飛び出しHop Dudeたちが向かったのは、知る人ぞ知る、彼らのプライベートアイランド。
一見普通だが、妙ちきりんなこの島の秘密。なんと、この地を取り囲む海のすべてがビール・ビール・ビール……!何もかも忘れ、ビールの海に浸りたいというHop Dudeの願望を満たす、夢の場所。
The lagoon of legend returns! What was once a later summer Hop Dude secret retreat has now become a year-round hot spot. Hopped up with Sabro, Sabro CRYO and #hoprevolution Nelson Sauvin, you can literally feel the clean and bright red ruby grapefruit aroma breeze coming off the water(just after you cut out from your grind and ready for that first refreshing hit). Deep water Hop Divers say the water has a rounded blood orange / grapefruit fizzy-seltzer feel to it, maybe because of the crushable low ABV? Wait - you havent heard of the lagoon? Full stop you're missing out. We went ahead and did you a favor by canning and bringing back some of this hazy goodness, the perfect liquid to kick off your hanami train and officially welcome your palate into spring.