Citra Mainline
Citra Single Hop West Coast IPA / 6.5% ABV
w/Citra & Citra CRYO
相も変わらずフル稼働のブルワリー。用宗にある秘密の地下ラボでは、WCB5周年も目前となり、Hop Dude研究員によるメンテナンスの余念がない。
Inject it into my veins - my goodness. We avoided the saucy "mainline" optics but honestly, if you like Citra AT ALL, this brew is IT. Veritable. Boat loads. of Citra. Not to mention 702 in the boil, which gives this beer a kind of Salvo/Incognito-esque bitterness hit right out of the gate that makes it super unique. Do you like Dank in your West Coast IPA? We usually reserve that word for Idaho 7 and Mosaic concoctions, but this is about to put Citra on the map. Zesty with hints of orange and grapefruit, followed by tropical/melon notes and woody/grassy goodies on the back end, Citra Mainline is the single hop Citra brew you thought you had and loved, but actually hadn't yet. Come get and revel in the glory of one of our most intense brews to date.