Buckle Up
Belgian Triple IPA / 9.5% ABV
w/ Organic Matcha, Sichuan Pepper, Citra, Azacca, Chinook & Zappa
WCB × Be Easy Brewing Collaboration!
超アバンギャルドかつ、猛スピードで繰り広げられるドキドキのABV 9.5%。刺激が先か、酔うのが先か?!
🗒So Gareth and Grant came up with a shopping list for a new Triple IPA. Let's have a look👀
▶️Citra, Azacca, Chinook, Zappa.. mmmm sounds goooood✅ ▶️Belgian Yeast ... mmmk a bit of that Be Easy infusion✅
▶️Mega Low Ferm Temp Start...sigh, boys being boys amirite✅ ▶️Organic Matcha ...a touch of local Shiz goodies, liking it✅ ▶️Szechuan Pepper ...wut?🌀
When we get together, cool shit happens. Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle cuz the ride be wild. As we wade our way through the annual "naturally occuring outdoor sauna" and "precipitation festivities" (wtf May is a little early btw?) we obviously decided that crazy insane yet oh-so-wonderfully balanced triple IPAs were in order. This one is a legendary sipper - a cornucopia of sensory madness and hidden ABV you unlock only after hitting max level and running the same dungeon 40x for that one final mat to max out your kit (ugh). AKA when you finish a pint and decide you want to stand in line for just one more ride. Collabs are awesome when you push the envelope and try new stuff, and thus we highly advise you to Buckle TF Up.