Bright Future
Super Session Hazy IPA / 3.5% ABV
w/El Dorado, Nelson Sauvin, Idaho 7 & Strata
WCB直営ビアレストラン『12 - twelve』
2017年にOPENした『12 - twelve』から、物語は始まった。次世代を担う若いDude達の才能がついに芽吹き、新しい物語の1ページがスタート。
当時の静岡では、まだ馴染みの薄いアメリカ西海岸のIPAを扱い始め、この数年間のうちに、自社ブルワリー“West Coast Brewing”を立ち上げるまでに。
温州みかんやりんごのようなアロマに、グレープフルーツを連想させる柑橘風味。後を引くほろ苦さが絶妙、ライトボディーで超ドリンカブル。WCBとしては3.5%ABVと記録更新級の超ライトなSuper Session Hazy IPAが完成!
12 turns 4! (What?!) Hop Dudes gonna be out in droves to celebrate the anniversary of their favorite digs - working for the weekend is now officially back in style. 4 years isn’t much but after all we’ve been through the past couple of years we’ll take whatever we can get. To commemorate the occasion our Alchemist, in full on party mode decided to let rip his lightest ABV beer to date (3.5% kgo). The result is a Bright Future for sure, loaded with Idaho 7, Nelson, El Dorado and Strata hops, a hazy bombshell offering that you can literally binge the entire night (you can thank us later). Because we’ve all gotten like 100% more vulnerable to the ABV right? We want you to take this one and hold it tight all night long, and remember what it was like to go non-stop into the wee hours with friends and colleagues. The can visual is a throwback to our second anniversary offering, because we are still so young, and there is just too much to look forward to in our 5th year going. Cheers for your support and here’s a (mega light sessionable tropical treasure trove) to get your year-end party started.