West Coast IPA / 6.5% ABV
w/EG Crosby Comet, Crosby El Dorado & YCH Simcoe
部屋には散らばる空き缶、つけっぱなしのテレビ、スヤスヤぐっすりと寝静まり、いびきをかくHop Dudeたち。爽快さを求めた、新しいWest Coast IPAの誕生を祝う、パーティーに興じていた彼らの寝顔は安心そのもの。
かすかに聞こえるのは、風にそよぐ自然の囁きと煌めき、……そして何かが近づいてくる、とても小さく重い足音。辺り一面、静寂が包み込むBefore Dawn。これから始まる、今日という一日。
誰にも気づかれず、ゆっくり着々と忍び寄るダークネスな気配。朝がくる。起きるまであと少し。夢見心地なHop Dudeたちは、まだ知る由もなく、いつもと同じ朝を迎えるつもりで深い眠りに。この空の上に待ち構えるのは、陽ではなく闇ということに、気づくころには、もう手遅れなのかもしれない。
The Alchemist, known to be an early riser, is up even earlier than usual today (#notimetosleep lol). The events of the past week—the discovery of the empowered Gateway, and the source of its power—have given him and the Council cause for grave concern. All he has spent his life toiling over, what he thought was the Hop Dude's only chance to thwart their mortal enemy, has been in vain. How many more solemn mornings until the Nemesis arrives with his army? When if ever will they have peace? Should he continue as the Council conscribes—or try to find another way to defeat them🧐
before_dawn is the calm before the storm. Clocking in at 6.5%, this iteration of IPA is a bit of an experiment, as we are fully committing to lager yeast while keeping pretty much everything else as west coast style as possible. The result for us is a fairly big-bodied, piney/dank and crispy-drinking elixir, one that feels decidedly IPA yet definitely on a different vibe than our previous concotions. What would you do if you were the Alchemist? Don't worry—he's got a plan, and that's why he's up before_dawn💡(and you’re likely still recovering from one too many IPAs😜)