Beach Ball Time
American Pale Ale / 6.0% ABV
w/Freestyle Motueka & Crosby EG Comet
次のビールの仕込みに悩んでいた教官Hop Dude。
Alchemistのこの助言をきっかけに、Hop Dudeたちのビーチボールが始まった。
白熱している試合を眺めながら、教官Hop Dudeはチームの士気の高まりを実感する。今はもう次のビールへの不安なんかない。
It's time to break out the beach equip Hop Dudes. But when is it never you ask? Pretty much most of the year😭 Thus the timely introduction on the name💡 and yes - the style as well. You can never go wrong mid-July with a Pale Ale💪🏼 Especially one that accentuates hop flavors (we tend to do that) has a light to mild bitterness and is super duper crisp. And because we can, we dry hop backloaded this #clearbeer elixir of awesomeness with Freestyle Motueka and Crosby Estate-Grown Comet. We get notes of apple and grapefruit, additional citrus, pineapple and a balanced yet cruisy sandy-beach-come-get-me grapefruit bitterness that is incredibly refreshing. The season is finally upon us - go get yourself some of this thirst-quenching heat wave relief and we'll see you at the beach!!!!!