Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Kohia Nelson, Peacharine & Riwaka
かたく閉ざされた石扉が遂に、開く。数々の強敵との戦いの末に揃いし輝く石。身にふりかかる幾多の苦難を乗り越え続けた勇者たちが、この洞窟内に鎮座する“あの石扉”を開くために得た、“AHM・RA・MU”。Hop Dudeたちの勇気と実力を証明する3つの石。
Kohia NelsonとPeacharineの使用をテーマに、さらにRiwakaも追加しボイル&ドライホッピング。グレープフルーツやオレンジの柑橘の刺激的な香りに優しく寄り添う、パパイヤやマンゴーのようなトロピカル感は、爽やかで軽やかな飲み口に。
3 trials down, 3 sigils in hand. Easier than massive quest chains that start with farming elites with groups of randos? Yes. Way freaking easier than unlocking heroic and having to basically clear EVERY dungeon just to sniff Epic Dungeon B, to get to Epic Raid C. Yes, we lived that and it was brutal (but awesome). Our band of Hop Heroes have now traversed and triumphed over the ahem <arbitrary requirements> to unlock the Door of Destiny, and make their way into the heart of the Dark Lab. How does it feel to finally be “attuned”? Relief? Anxiety? Probably a LOT of both. We can also tell you what it tastes like - placing the final sigil into the door is kinda like unlocking rifts of tropical mango, papaya and passionfruit, a la our lupulin friends Freestyle Kohia Nelson and Peacharine. Beyond the door what foes (and epix) await? How many more freaking bosses are there? Let’s ____ around and find out, shall we 😛