24 Hour Power
CBD-Infused Mountain Pale Ale / 6.0% ABV
w/7270, USDA074 & Nelson Sauvin
WCB × NEW VALLEY Collaboration!
僕ら大人はあらゆる経験を糧に日々、人生をアップデート中。朝から晩まで、仕事もプライベートも全力猛烈なHop Dude。楽しいことも苦しいことも、噛みしめて受け止めて飲み過ぎて、時にはバグも起こすけど(?!)、
オトナの疲れたカラダにそっと寄り添ってくれる「24 Hour Power」。昼から飲みたいアナタも、夜更けに〆たいキミも、いつでも乾杯!リフレッシュ&エナジーチャージ。
THE HOP DON’T STOP. We’ve been trying to keep things 9 to 5 here at WCB for a while - for the most part dialing it in pretty well but when the going gets tough? Japanese ppl be working WAY TOO MUCH OVERTIME. This beer is a dig/play on that insanity, with an energy drink feel (15mg of soluble CBD kgo), in a mountain / soft pale ale format that is super easy drinking. We partnered up with our good friends at New Valley in Futakotamagawa for this one, packing in Citrus/grapefruit & dankness, light bitterness and a touch of pineapple and lemon to give you that shot of POWER that you may or may not have been looking for. Push through that to do list and get ready for spring, the weather is winning and the deluxe drinking sessions are back.