Mountain Pale Ale / 6.0% ABV
w/Motueka, Waimea & Idaho 7 CRYO
さぁ、アプデの準備はできましたか?ここからワクワク&ドキドキの連続。次なる #newzone へいざ!
“Mountain Pale Ale”とは、West CoastスタイルとNew Englandスタイルをいいとこどりしたハイブリッドなビール。
Idk about you but I’d rather wait 115 days for new content than 240? The Hop Dude loves the spin cycle and weekly releases, but that’s not always how it is. #newzone is a beer we have been waiting for - for a while. That is to say, it’s been hyped in-house and scheduled and rescheduled and now that it is finally upon us, we are downright mad ready to partake. What lies between West Coast and NE? A full smattering of characters and quests, cheevos, epix, visuals and a blend of styles that is just as refreshing as it was challenging to cook up. Slightly dank and floral invite you into a light bodied world of pear, white grape and cantaloupe, virtually devoid of bitterness and super easy to ding in (um, drink up?). The style may translate to having a semi-clear semi-haze West to East feel to it, but take our word for this elixir being jam-packed with content in literally every direction. Download and update early Hop Dudes.