Future Alchemist
Hazy Double IPA / 8.0% ABV
w/Bruce, El Dorado & Mosaic
次世代のAlchemistを担う、才能のつぼみ。これから何を見て、何を感じるのか。無垢な心で捉えるすべては、これからの"Full Hop Alchemist”を構成していく。心に刻み込まれる思い出の一杯が、ここに誕生。
酵母やモルト構成を見直しドライで甘いアロマに。@freestylehops Bruceホップの柑橘ニュアンスが搾りたてフレッシュな、ちびっ子Alchemist。さらにトロピカルやベリー、フローラルを連想させる香り。後口のほろ苦さが丁度良く引き立ち、8.0% ABVだと忘れてしまうほどに心地よい飲み口。
A heavy burden - but one that must be carried and fulfilled. Pure of heart and spirit and raw with talent, our Future Alchemists are carefully guided and trained, to harness their powers and control their emotions. What will the future hold? Will we there be peace or continued conflict? How will we work to resolve our differences and make the world a better place for all? These and many more are the questions and tasks before our Future Alchemist.
Born of a fantastic experiment with mixed fermentation, “Future Alchemist” is indeed just that - a glimpse into the future of the Hop Dude’s designs on his favorite cloudy concoctions. A brand new collection of hops do their trademark citrus explosions while our yeast collab works its magic for a dry and (even at 8.0%) super drinkable hazy experience. The future is pushing the hop flavor volume to 11, and we are definitely here for the ride.