Underground Hero Returns
Hazy IPA / 7.0% ABV
w/Kohia Nelson, Waimea, Motueka & Motueka Hop Kief
5th Anniversary Beer!!!!!
“Hero is Back”
ドライホップ(Kohia Nelson・Waimea・Motueka)に加え、濃縮ルプリン爆弾“Motueka Hop Kief”もたっぷり投入しフルーツ感マシマシ。狙いを叶えたグレープフルーツや柑橘系の香りに続き、トロピカルやストーンフルーツのニュアンスも。ボディもありながら、甘く優しいアロマ&苦みがクセになる。
これからもHop Dudeたちは、地下に灯る眩い光を決して絶やさぬようUnderground Heroの教えを守り抜き、真の輝きを解き放つ。
■当ビールはWCB公式EC & WCB直営店のほか、以下のIBREWさん店舗での限定販売です!
WCB公式EC @lilwoodys.jp POPUP
@wcb_thevilla @twelve_shizuoka @wcb_container
@wcb_hamamatsu @wcb_shinsaibashi
@wcb_umeda @wcb_chatan
@ibrew_ebisu_official @ibrew_akihabara
@ibrew_ginza @shinbashiibrew @ibrew_yokohama
RETURNED from an extended hiatus, the Underground Hero has arrived in Ebisu for the IBrew 5th anniversary shindig. With him, a 7.0% Hazy IPA that is DECIDEDLY citrus. Grapefruit / Orange with hints of melon/peach, little to no bitterness and on the drier side for drinkability. This one is dry hopped with 100% Freestyle NZ goodies, Kohia Nelson/Motueka and Waimea of various vintages and persuasions, and finished with a touch of Motueka Hop Kief. Congrats to IBrew Ebisu on holding down a stellar spot for brews for the past 5 seasons (we won’t mention the Collective gatherings and other Black Market Trader meetings that may or may not be happening there), and many more to come!