Hazy Triple IPA / 10.5% ABV
w/El Dorado, Simcoe & Ekuanot
次々と意気盛んに悪を極め、貶めようとするダークサイド勢の策略も虚しく、力尽き消えていった偽影の錬金術師。度重なる戦いで体力を消耗し疲弊しつつも、勇者Hop Dudeたちは達成感に満ちあふれていた。
The Council, Voidmaster and Alchemist's Shadow felled, the final sigil is now in our Hop Heroes' possession. Obviously because this particular dungeon was crafted with only 0.1% of the player base in mind, it is now time for our part-time gamer dad Hop Dudes to farm out the first 2/3 of the dungeon for tier sets and trinkets because, whatever lies behind the Door of Destiny isn't going to be a pushover (another Patchwerk style boss prob). Ah but yes, MU. The 3rd sigil, in Hop Dude histories the ancient term for "Citra", MU brings it BIG. High on mango and lychee in the nose, medium bodied with hints of pineapple and an almost rum-like lingering sweetness, the 10.5% ABV is masked but not for long. MU is like a trinket with a 7-min cooldown (hit that on pull and just before enrage) that gives you a REAL dps bump. Good luck getting that to drop though, or having the DKP to buy it when it does. Yes there is actual bitterness in this beer description. Damn Azuresong Mageblade.