Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Idaho7, Nelson Sauvin, Rakau, Waimea & Nelson Sauvin Kief
WCB × JRA阪神競馬場
2nd Collaboration!!
ようやく、2つ目の魔法が解き放たれた。謎多きParallel WorldでNemesisたちが興じる勝利のレース。地を鳴らす馬たちの足音へ期待を込め、BIGレースを緊張して見守る身体に沁みわたるホップの魔力。
伝説のコラボレーションが再び……!前作「RACING MAGIC」にも負けないゴリゴリHazy。ホップ4種(Nelson・Rakau・Waimea・Idaho7)で織りなすドライホップに加え、濃縮ルプリン爆弾“Nelson Hop Kief”を使用し、パイナップルやマンゴー、ライチなどのトロピカルアロマ全開。さらにオレンジなど柑橘を連想させる風味も相まってフルーツ感マシマシな味わいに。
ゴールライン間近で繰り広げられる叩き合いで全身全霊を注ぎ、最後のスピードアップに運命を賭けるHop Dudeジョッキー。激しさを増す競走を鋭くかわし、闇から光を射すように勝利を掴みとる姿は、まさに『MAGICAL FINISH』。
It ain’t how you START - it’s how you FINISH. Don’t get any weird ideas, nothing is ending or FINISHING here - in fact lately all we been up to is STARTING the good stuff. New friends and connections, new ingredients, novel and funky ways to apply the lupulin…the list goes on. It’s exciting times for WCB and the Hop Dude with so many delicious goodies on the docket, but I digress. So where were we? Oh yes - MAGICAL freaking FINISH. We got the JRA Hanshin Racecourse collabo squad back together to cook up one more decadent delight, this time training hard for tropical, dank and berry sensory by adding copious amounts of Freestyle Rakau, Freestyle Nelson D27, Freestyle Waimea and FINISHING with a touch of Idaho 7 T90. Super smooth drinking with little to no hop burn, and at a decidedly masked 8 and one-half percent ABV? The FINISH of the race and the FINISH of your session are both going to be MAGICAL. Drink (and gamble) responsibly Hop Dudes.