Creative Grrl
Hazy IPA / 7.0% ABV
w/El Dorado, Rakau&Amarillo
WCBのビールと出会い、店舗スタッフからブルワーへ!夢を叶え、ひたむきに日々を楽しみ醸造に励むブルワーチームの末っ子"Creative Grrl"。クールな見た目とは裏腹に、屈託のない笑顔が魅力。
Beer Szn is upon us - and it is finally time for our ladies to make their presence known. We had the Boi series, and now we bring you the first of 3 unique recipes about to hit the shelves—this one designed by Momo, the newest Hop Dude in our brew squad. Creative Grrl is a massive hazy IPA pumped up with heavy doses of 2023 Freestyle Rakau + El Dorado and Amarillo, full-bodied flavor-laden and ultra murky on the haze (as I guess those creative minds like it?). Aromas are hints of berry and honestly the tropical fruit goes hard, flavors are super / extra / thick x2 tropical, papaya and mango prevalent (it’s juice). We packaged this elixir mega fresh so your mileage may vary on the burn, but even at higher (aka max freshness) levels it’s tasty af and keeps you coming back for more. Beer Szn is upon us, go grab some freshies!!!