West Coast Session IPA / 5.0% ABV
w/Dekopon. Dry Hopped with Citra, Centenial, Chinook, Simcoe&Simcoe CRYO
Hop Dude meets Seoul Dude. 韓国・ソウルにブルワリーを構える『SEOUL BREWERY』との2回目となるクロスコラボレーションビールが実現へ!
今年1月、WCBスタッフみんなで韓国へ渡り聖水洞にある彼らのブルワリーを訪問したことがきっかけのひとつ。(絶えずビールとマッコリを酌み交わし急接近🔥)そんな最高の旅で彼らクルーとグッと仲が深まったところで、今度は「SEOUL BREWERY」が来日するという絶好のタイミングに恵まれたというワケ。
我々の親睦の深さがうかがえる手間ひまかかった特別な一杯に。今後韓国でリリースを予定している、SEOUL BREWERY側のコラボレーションビールもお楽しみに!
Seongsu man. What a crazy area. Constant churn and change - kinda reminds us of our brew schedule actually :X Popup Shop is our 2nd collabo with our friends at Seoul Brewing, a west coast session IPA that pops up (oh yes) just in time for early cherry blossoms and the unseasonably warm Shizuoka weather. This is a cross collabo, Japan and Korea side both using local versions of the same fruit (in Korea, Hallabong, and in Japan, Dekopon) for enhanced citrus expressions, pulling back the perceived bitterness curtain for a light fruit sensory drop that accentuates the style wonderfully. Light charges of Citra, Centennial and Simcoe were added in the dry hop for a touch of punchyness available at super cold levels (and maybe best consumed after a workout, post-sauna and imho pls go ice fkn cold for this one). Loving the Collabos with our Korean colleagues and truly hope we can keep them rolling.