Hazy Triple IPA / 9.5% ABV
w/Galaxy, Rakau, Citra & Citra CRYO
危うげながらも屈強な悪魂の牙城を撃破し手に入れたのは、やはり想定通り……、怪しい光に包まれた謎の石。漲るような鮮烈で強い輝きは、まるでHop Dudeたちの炎のように燃え盛る度胸のよう。
Defeat of the Voidmaster meant recovery of the second sigil. Shaped similar to the one held by The Lightning Council, this stone glowed an almost violent shade of vermillion and read "RA" on the reverse side (the ancient Hop Dude word for "Simcoe", if you can believe that). Our Hop Heroes had now found two and would begin the search for the third and final sigil. RA doesn't actually have any Simcoe (boom!) but DOES come loaded with Citra, Citra CRYO, Rakau and a shake shake of Galaxy (we only allow it to go out and play when several chaperones are around). RA comes fit with hints of pineapple and ripe mango, with an almost yogurt-like sensory addition which gives it a very unique flavor profile unlike previous iterations in the series. RA also popped to a bold imperial level 9.5% ABV, but drinks dangerously easy.